Appliances for the whole family …… Maybe

What is a video game console? 7]

It is a technical device (a type of system) that allows you to enjoy various “video games” in the form of playing them. Video games are used in this context only as a descriptive term, since video players as we know them from the 1990s are not required to actually play them.
herní konzole Playstation 3
Why are video game consoles so popular? 13]

Unlike computers and games that can be “run” on such devices, in that video game consoles do not require constant purchase of programs or system add-ons to upgrade, It is a wonderful kind of update. Once you purchase a game console at an electronics store, you can be assured that any game title released for that console will run on that console forever.
Thus, computer enthusiasts must spend literally thousands of crowns each year to keep their PCs in a state that will continue to handle the demand for newly created and sold games, but when gaming fans want to buy brand new titles they do not yet have only invest console applications.
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When you want to involve the surroundings…
In computer games, this is provided by online encounters in interactive games. But what if you want to play with family members who live at the same address and unfortunately do not each have a computer?
A gaming console is just the thing for family gaming competitions and tournaments. Just make a game plan and use the controllers that come with the basic equipment, and usually one to four players can participate in the activity. So, for example, even if it is pouring rain outside, a four-player tournament can be held in the comfort of one\’s home, and all that is needed is one game console.

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