Are children overloaded today?

There is no dispute that children, especially school children, should be responsible. But the question is whether we are not asking too many of them today. After all, children not only have limited concentration, but also have much less stamina than adults. However, we have stopped seeing children as “little adults,” but, despite the advances in child psychology made over the past 10 years, or perhaps because of that, we have found that we still want much more than before.

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First, of course, there are schools. If we compare today\’s schedule with those decades ago, we can see that today\’s children are there a little longer. This is mainly due to the increase in hourly subsidies for basic subjects such as Czech language and mathematics, but also to the addition of new subjects.

They do not have a day off after school as before. Once upon a time, the children went home, cleaned up their bags and went to play until the evening. Such a thing is hardly conceivable today, as parents are not only afraid to give birth to offspring. The majority of children have extracurricular activities such as various sports and other circles. Again, of course, he must be completely focused.

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Also, you can not forget about homework, but their amount has also increased significantly. Therefore, they take much more time than before. In addition, a new methodology has been issued, so parents can not help much, for example, because they have learned to count in a completely different way. And many teachers lower the mark because of the wrong procedure.

Children today have more than we are willing to admit. They definitely deserve a little reassurance. This is not surprising, because, according to both parents and teachers, all this is necessary for their healthy development and to learn everything they need. The fact that children today are increasingly having psychological problems is often associated with school and is already secondary.