First time technology

Do you remember your first technology, your first time? The first video game I bought, then the first PlayStation I bought, then of course the first computer I bought. I used computers for a really long time. Computers were really fun, and I think a lot of people have computers these days because they are really technological and everything has really advanced and gotten to a better level. And it\’s not just one computer. We have two computers, two laptops, and a tablet. But I\’ll admit again and again, I\’m getting pretty tired of this too. 11]

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I have brothers and they have high quality high tech equipment too. It may be superficial. It\’s understandable and makes sense, but again, when you get used to something and become accustomed to it, it\’s reasonable to want something else, but computers are different. Computers are really expensive. So I can\’t afford to buy a new one every month. Logically, if we have the money for it and computers are the source of our passion, I would not be surprised.

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Unless every person buys a new computer, laptop, or tablet every couple of months, I am not. I might have the money for that, or I might be able to save money on the side, but again, I\’m not crazy enough to buy a new computer or laptop often. The laptop I have now is about 2 years old and I\’m already thinking about buying another laptop or computer. After all, I like quality. I work on my computer and educate myself there. I also always watch a movie every night before bed, especially soap operas. Indeed, I don\’t think I can go to sleep without seeing a nice movie or at least two episodes of my favorite series.

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