
Marketing Planning Phase

A) Environmental and Situational Analysis It is based on a description of past developments and the current state of the marketing situation of the enterprise, and an estimate Read More

Marketing Planning Phase

A) Environmental and Situational Analysis It is based on a description of past developments and the current state of the marketing situation of the enterprise, and an estimate Read More

Mr. Jak být, šťastná

Umíte bttastastná i bez muše? Přiznejte si sama,jestli dokáčete bětěastná sama se sebou,i kdyš zrovna nemáte partnera. Mnohožen totiž nedokáže, možná patííte mezi n.. Myslí si totiž,že nejv Read More


Once you decide to budget, the first logical step is to calculateall your expenses. The easiest way to know how much you actually spent is to carefully record Read More