School-age children are most often hooked on smartphones

Childrenspend a lot of time on mobile phones, tablets, computers, and other electronic devices. Even the doctors themselves say that with these devices already 1 day 1 hour is not ideal. This dependence mainly affects preschool and school-age children the most.


It is very dangerous and can lead to restlessness, anger and negative reactions to Affects the child not only mentally and physically. Sitting long around the electronics can lead to restrictions on movement, and children can begin to gain weight. A child who spends more than 35 hours a week on a mobile phone or computer is considered an addiction. For example, a sign of dependence is when the child reacts very negatively to restrictions on the use of these systems.


Can this problem be prevented at all?
The answer to this question is yes. But parents have a great responsibility for this, because they have to set boundaries for their children to use these devices.

What is the cause of this problem?
The responsibility lies primarily with parents who do not pay attention to their children, and it is better to give the child a mobile phone and leave it alone, so that he remains calm. If parents pass the phone in the hands of a child under 2 years old, then here something is wrong, so they should think about themselves. Children have a desire to imitate their parents in all situations. For example, if you carry your phone or tablet anywhere, your child may also one day really imitate this situation.

How would you solve this problem?
Especially in moderation. Preschool children should allow electronics for one hour or two hours a day. For example, when a child needs to have a mobile phone, we should try to make the games they play with it educational or entertaining. But, according to psychologists, these devices do not have to mean complete evil, if you choose school, for example, at play. But what is the most important thing? Especially to support the child\’s imagination by inventing stories or modeling from clay.


And what opinions do you have on this issue? Do you agree with us or do you have another opinion on this? Please share with us in the comments below J.