Why are dieting and starvation dangerous?
|Do you have excess weight that you failed to lose before summer? Are you worried about putting on a bathing suit and going to the pool or swimming? The first thing that comes to mind as an appropriate solution is to limit the amount of food you eat and increase your physical activity. While the latter is a great idea, the former is not a very happy decision. Let me explain why.
Restricting food intake is very dangerous. Not only will you not see immediate results, but even if you do, you will sacrifice your health. Starving yourself is not really healthy. Why? Our bodies simply need a balanced diet. Fasting, the other extreme, at a time when we are unable to adhere to it and follow a healthy diet, will certainly not improve things.
Check yourself in the mirror every day and think about the consequences of doing so rather than regretting eating more than one banana for breakfast.
Why is hunger dangerous for you and those around you?
–Hungry people are not happy. Food and satiety produce so many happy hormones in the body that we cannot live without them, whether we like it or not.
Hunger is a pain.
It causes stomach cramps and later discomfort throughout the digestive system.
– Indigestion.When starving, the body does not secrete food regularly. This results in various forms of constipation and bloating.
–Prolonged periods of hunger lead to a phase of extreme fat accumulation. If, after a prolonged period of fasting, one eats whatever is at hand because one cannot stand it any longer, the confused body will only begin to store the parts of the body that miss food the most: sugar and fat. Thus, you won\’t lose weight, but you will give your body a big shock and confuse it again.
–Hungry people are often uncomfortable and make those around them uncomfortable. [29] That does not mean that hunger can now be excused in addition to PMS. But it really is. The hungrier we are, the more temperamental, irritable, and aggressive we can become toward those with whom we are currently engaged.