Why think about going to college at any age?

A college degree has long since ceased to be a privilege for the wealthy and fortunate. In the Czech Republic, the number of college graduates in all age groups is increasing every year. According to statistics, two-fifths of the Czech population has a degree. Why should you consider applying?
nervozní studentka
Unemployment is at an all-time low, but improving your resume can still pay off, at least through increased financial rewards and opening doors to further career advancement. The unemployment rate for college graduates is at an all-time low. College graduates account for just 12.5% of all unemployed workers, while high school graduates account for almost two-fifths of the total.
New Friendships
In academia, more than elsewhere, everyone works together. Therefore, meeting many new people in these situations is not a problem. Moreover, the relationships you build can last a lifetime and often help you solve complex problems in both your professional and personal life.
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Stimulate your children
Despite the lack of free time, studying your relationship with your children can not only help but also add a new dimension, especially if you have school-age children at home. Not only do they share similar concerns, but they are likely to broaden their horizons and fill their free time with effective activities.
A wide range of options
Today, the word education no longer automatically implies attending days of more or less tiring and boring lectures and seminars. The percentage of subjects that can be studied through a combination of distance learning has increased over the years. This form of learning takes into account those who wish to combine work and study. Another relatively modern concept is online education, often referred to as distance learning in curriculum offerings.
Apart from the positives mentioned above, one\’s application can lead to many things, from the fulfillment of a long-held childhood dream to praise from friends and acquaintances. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what could be enough motivation to overcome your doubts and dive into the joys and sorrows of studying!

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